OpenTelemetry Demo Documentation

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Welcome to the OpenTelemetry Demo documentation, which covers how to install and run the demo, and some scenarios you can use to view OpenTelemetry in action.

Running the Demo

Want to deploy the demo and see it in action? Start here.

Language Feature Reference

Want to understand how a particular language’s instrumentation works? Start here.

LanguageAutomatic InstrumentationInstrumentation LibrariesManual Instrumentation
.NETAccounting ServiceCart ServiceCart Service
C++Currency Service
GoCheckout Service, Product Catalog ServiceCheckout Service, Product Catalog Service
JavaAd ServiceAd Service
JavaScriptPayment Service
TypeScriptFrontend, React Native AppFrontend
KotlinFraud Detection Service
PHPQuote ServiceQuote Service
PythonRecommendation ServiceRecommendation Service
RubyEmail ServiceEmail Service
RustShipping ServiceShipping Service

Service Documentation

Specific information about how OpenTelemetry is deployed in each service can be found here:


How can you solve problems with OpenTelemetry? These scenarios walk you through some pre-configured problems and show you how to interpret OpenTelemetry data to solve them.

We’ll be adding more scenarios over time.

  • Generate a Product Catalog error for GetProduct requests with product ID: OLJCESPC7Z using the Feature Flag service
  • Discover a memory leak and diagnose it using metrics and traces. Read more


Project reference documentation, like requirements and feature matrices.