Getting Started
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This page will show you how to get started with OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation.
If you are looking for a way to manually instrument your application, check out this guide.
You will learn how you can instrument a simple .NET application automatically, in such a way that traces, metrics and logs are emitted to the console.
Ensure that you have the following installed locally:
- .NET SDK 6+
Example Application
The following example uses a basic Minimal API with ASP.NET Core application. If you are not using ASP.NET Core, that’s OK — you can still use OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation.
For more elaborate examples, see examples.
Create and launch an HTTP Server
To begin, set up an environment in a new directory called dotnet-simple
Within that directory, execute following command:
dotnet new web
In the same directory, replace the content of Program.cs
with the following
using System.Globalization;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
var logger = app.Logger;
int RollDice()
return Random.Shared.Next(1, 7);
string HandleRollDice(string? player)
var result = RollDice();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(player))
logger.LogInformation("Anonymous player is rolling the dice: {result}", result);
logger.LogInformation("{player} is rolling the dice: {result}", player, result);
return result.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
app.MapGet("/rolldice/{player?}", HandleRollDice);
In the Properties
subdirectory, replace the content of launchSettings.json
with the following:
"$schema": "",
"profiles": {
"http": {
"commandName": "Project",
"dotnetRunMessages": true,
"launchBrowser": true,
"applicationUrl": "http://localhost:8080",
"environmentVariables": {
Build and run the application with the following command, then open http://localhost:8080/rolldice in your web browser to ensure it is working.
dotnet build
dotnet run
Next, you’ll use a OpenTelemetry .NET Automatic Instrumentation to instrument the application at launch time. While you can configure .NET Automatic Instrumentation in a number of ways, the steps below use Unix-shell or PowerShell scripts.
Note: PowerShell commands require elevated (administrator) privileges.
Download installation scripts from Releases of the
repository:curl -L -O
$module_url = "" $download_path = Join-Path $env:temp "OpenTelemetry.DotNet.Auto.psm1" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $module_url -OutFile $download_path -UseBasicParsing
Execute following script to download automatic instrumentation for your development environment:
Import-Module $download_path Install-OpenTelemetryCore
Set and export variables that specify a console exporter, then execute script configuring other necessary environment variables using a notation suitable for your shell/terminal environment — we illustrate a notation for bash-like shells and PowerShell:
export OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER=console \ OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER=console \ OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER=console OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=RollDiceService . $HOME/.otel-dotnet-auto/
$env:OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER="console" $env:OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER="console" $env:OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER="console" Register-OpenTelemetryForCurrentSession -OTelServiceName "RollDiceService"
Run your application once again:
dotnet run
Note the output from the
dotnet run
.From another terminal, send a request using
:curl localhost:8080/rolldice
After about 30 sec, stop the server process.
At this point, you should see trace and log output from the server and client that looks something like this (output is line-wrapped for readability):
Traces and Logs
LogRecord.Timestamp: 2023-08-14T06:44:53.9279186Z
LogRecord.TraceId: 3961d22b5f90bf7662ad4933318743fe
LogRecord.SpanId: 93d5fcea422ff0ac
LogRecord.TraceFlags: Recorded
LogRecord.CategoryName: simple-dotnet
LogRecord.LogLevel: Information
LogRecord.StateValues (Key:Value):
result: 1
OriginalFormat (a.k.a Body): Anonymous player is rolling the dice: {result}
Resource associated with LogRecord: simple-dotnet 0.7.0 opentelemetry
telemetry.sdk.language: dotnet
info: simple-dotnet[0]
Anonymous player is rolling the dice: 1
Activity.TraceId: 3961d22b5f90bf7662ad4933318743fe
Activity.SpanId: 93d5fcea422ff0ac
Activity.TraceFlags: Recorded
Activity.ActivitySourceName: OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
Activity.DisplayName: /rolldice
Activity.Kind: Server
Activity.StartTime: 2023-08-14T06:44:53.9278162Z
Activity.Duration: 00:00:00.0049754
Activity.Tags: localhost 8080
http.method: GET
http.scheme: http /rolldice
http.url: http://localhost:8080/rolldice
http.flavor: 1.1
http.user_agent: curl/8.0.1
http.status_code: 200
Resource associated with Activity: simple-dotnet 0.7.0 opentelemetry
telemetry.sdk.language: dotnet
Also when stopping the server, you should see an output of all the metrics collected (sample excerpt shown):
Export process.runtime.dotnet.gc.collections.count, Number of garbage collections that have occurred since process start., Meter: OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Runtime/
(2023-08-14T06:12:05.8500776Z, 2023-08-14T06:12:23.7750288Z] generation: gen2 LongSum
Value: 2
(2023-08-14T06:12:05.8500776Z, 2023-08-14T06:12:23.7750288Z] generation: gen1 LongSum
Value: 2
(2023-08-14T06:12:05.8500776Z, 2023-08-14T06:12:23.7750288Z] generation: gen0 LongSum
Value: 6
Export http.client.duration, Measures the duration of outbound HTTP requests., Unit: ms, Meter: OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Http/
(2023-08-14T06:12:06.2661140Z, 2023-08-14T06:12:23.7750388Z] http.flavor: 1.1 http.method: POST http.scheme: https http.status_code: 200 Histogram
Value: Sum: 1330.4766000000002 Count: 5 Min: 50.0333 Max: 465.7936
What next?
For more:
- To configure exporters, samplers, resources and more, see Configuration and settings
- See the list of available instrumentations
- If you want to combine automatic and manual instrumentation, learn how you can create custom traces and metrics
- If you face any issues, check the Troubleshooting Guide
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