To contribute, you need to be familiar with the following techs and tools.
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OpenTelemetry documentation contributors:
The pages in this section describe how to contribute to OpenTelemetry documentation.
For guidance on how to contribute to the OpenTelemetry project in general, see the community OpenTelemetry New Contributor Guide. Every OTel repository for language implementations, the Collector, and conventions have their own project-specific contributing guides.
To contribute, you need to be familiar with the following techs and tools.
How to fix an existing issue, or report a bug, security risk, or potential improvement.
Learn how to submit new or changed content using the GitHub UI or a local fork.
Terminology and style when writing OpenTelemetry docs.
Creating and maintaining site pages in non-English localizations.
Learn how to submit a blog post.
Learn how to make your pull request successfully pass all checks
Create announcements or banners for special events.
Learn how to set up a development environment for this website.
Learn how approvers and maintainers manage issues and contributions.
Acknowledgements for sources for content on this site
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