Java Agent

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Zero-code instrumentation with Java uses a Java agent JAR attached to any Java 8+ application. It dynamically injects bytecode to capture telemetry from many popular libraries and frameworks. It can be used to capture telemetry data at the “edges” of an app or service, such as inbound requests, outbound HTTP calls, database calls, and so on. To learn how to manually instrument your service or app code, see Manual instrumentation.

Getting started


Suppressing specific instrumentation


Using instrumentation annotations with a Java agent.

Extending instrumentations with the API

Use the OpenTelemetry API in combination with the Java agent to extend the automatically generated telemetry with custom spans and metrics

Instrumentation configuration

Application server configuration

Learn how to define agent paths for Java application servers


Extensions add capabilities to the agent without having to create a separate distribution.


Performance reference for the OpenTelemetry Java agent

Última modificación July 18, 2024: re-organize agent config (#4811) (94b83c90)